maNASA Ambassador Partnerships

Join maNASA family and make some extra cash! Check out our generous commission rates!

  • Influencers with any number of followers.
  • maNASA Tea enthusiasts.
  • Just about anyone who wants to spread the word and earn a commission for each sale you help bring in.
  • Encourage your friends to become a maNASA Ambassador and earn commissions from their sales as well, up to 3 levels of commissions. 
  • Sign-up to get your unique shareable link.
  • Keep track of your sales on your dashboard to view your commissions and payments.
  • All you need is a valid PayPal account to get paid.



  • Who can join maNASA Ambassador Program? Just about anyone!
  • Do I need to have a minimum following? No, we encourage anyone to join.
  • I don't have a PayPal account, can I join? We prefer if you have a PayPal account as it will be easier to pay you.
  • How do I get started? Simply create an account below and login. It's super easy!
  • How do I ensure I get credited for sales from my leads? When you login to your account, you will see a customizable unique link. You need to share this link with your friends and followers. When they visit our store from your link, it is tracked to ensure that you will get credited for the sale from your link. 


Become a maNASA Ambassador. Signup now!




    Wholesale Affiliate accounts are available for Retail stores. Please contact us for details. Write to

    • We will send you a sample assortment package to be displayed in your store.
    • A unique printed QR code with an acrylic stand will be sent to you where your customers can scan and place an order.
    • You will get your commissions without having to carry inventory.
    • Your referral will be active for as long you are with us. This means any order we receive via your QR code will always and any subsequent orders will be credited to your account.